Since my passion for it just cost me my holiday, and I just made my Shoshin Player even more awesome so that I can share that passion even more easily with you, I thought I should at least tell a bit about it... (´・ω・`)
コンサートもあります!VGM とか Distant Worlds とか:とてもゆうめいです。


Because a certain someone wouldn't forgive me if I didn't put this one up first:

Yet as I said it's not restricted to games (although anime use Rock and Pop a lot for their OPs/EDs):

When you thought it was impossible for celtic:

You can have a girl chorus as well:

You can have a diva fueled by eletric guitar:

Or a diva fueled by even more guitar:

They can sing in Russian and in Latin at the same time:

It can be done entirely electronically:

Or with rudimentary instruments:

It can make use of only three notes:

It can inspire itself of something that exists already:

It can sample a lot:

But in the end...:

It's all about the magic of creation~

Although it seems even birds can do it...


Comments (5)

On March 3, 2011 at 4:48 PM , Idée Fixe said...

all anime...
> >

On March 3, 2011 at 4:48 PM , Idée Fixe said...

all anime...
> >

On March 3, 2011 at 4:51 PM , Idée Fixe said...

i got what that was!!!!!!!!!!

On March 17, 2011 at 6:29 PM , Anonymous said...


On April 11, 2011 at 11:07 AM , Ben M. said...

テレビゲームでなかなかあそびませんが、いましたいです。ぜんぶの聞いたうたはとてもよかったです。菅野よう子はいちばんいい作曲家 (composer) です!